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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Collaborate 15 - Thoughts and Tips

Hello Everyone,

     I just got back from Collaborate 15 in Las Vegas, and I must say, this is a must for any OAUG, IOUG or Quest members. Why? Three reasons mainly:

1) The sessions presented by Oracle and third party companies utilizing Oracle technology.
          These can be really good or really bad. The ones presented by Oracle, are usually good and informative. They present new products by Oracle, or have technical sessions regarding current products. The sessions by third parties, these sometimes can be a sales pitch for the respective companies, but some of them provide very technical details and will give you an insight that Oracle will often not give you (why blast their own products).

2) The networking! You get to meet thousands (yes!) of professionals who work in YOUR area and share the same interests. Many of them from different companies all around the world!

3) The exhibit hall! Here you get to demo many third party software that can enhance your Oracle installation or product. You can also demo new products that Oracle has recently released or will release in the near future. It is also a great chance to collect some freebies from the booths and meet interesting people.

Now some tips for the conference:
- Plan out the sessions you will attend early! Utilize the Collaborate App (can be downloaded from the usual outlets). But, go back often because the sessions will sometimes change locations, or sessions can be added or removed. Also, you can utilize the app to download presentation materials, rate the presenters, and network with other attendees.

- Book your hotel early! Specially in Vegas, where the conference will be held for the next two years as well! Hotels get filled and the prices sky rocket, so keep this in mind!

- If you are attending in Vegas, buy a mono rail pass or a bus pass! This way you can move freely around the strip and have some healthy fun after your sessions are over for the day!

- Do not be shy! Talk to people, exchange business cards (yes bring these!), connect with them on LinkedIn, these connections can pay off in many ways.

- Take notes during your sessions!! There is great information buried in even the most boring of presentations, arm yourself with this knowledge and apply it in your work place!

- We all want to walk around the strip and enjoy Vegas, but please visit the exhibit hall! Many of the products showcased can add value to your environments and also you can win some cool prices!

If you are wondering what this conference is and you are an Oracle professional, then you are behind! Look it up and arm youself with this knowledge. If your company is not an OAUG member and utilizes Oracle, then make a case to them to become a member and then make an even stronger case for them to send you to the conference! It is definitely worth it and can add value to any organization.

Please ask away should you have any questions regarding the conference or Collaborate 15.


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