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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Digital Disruption

Digital disruption is all around us; it has been for a while and continues to leave its mark. Depending on which industry you are working at you will see the impact of the digital era and its disruption more clearly, and that is highly dependent upon the business and operating model of your enterprise. Olanrewaju and Willmott speak in regards to this in their article, Finding your Digital Sweet Spot. This article speaks in regards to the potential impact of digital and how it varies by industry.

The article covers three clusters of industries that face varying levels of change in regards to digital transformation. There are the long-term multi-channel industries, like grocery retailing and apparel, which despite innovations in that sector are not as heavily impacted, in terms of digital, at least as compared to the “eye of the storm” industries, such as retail banking and mobile telecommunications, which are highly susceptible to digital disruption, due to having a cost base which is largely focused on processing and servicing. Then the authors speak about the “new digital normal” industries, which have completed several rounds of digital disruption, like music retailing, airlines and hotels. This article is a good exercise in terms of making you think where your industry finds itself in terms of digital disruption and how much change is expected in those sectors as a factor of that disruption.

One thing is certain, digital can reshape all aspects of any modern enterprise and that is why the modern Enterprise Architect must ensure that the EA (Enterprise Architecture), instead of being an agent of change, that it becomes an architect of change, as Bloomberg points out. The typical EA and the outdated frameworks will not be agile enough to support the digital goals of the business, and depending of the industry, that business may not be able to survive without fast adoption of the changes that must occur as a factor of digital disruption.

I think an important aspect of allowing the digital transformation to take place is to, as Larry Hawes notes on his Network of Services article, think of enterprise software, and the stack, as a “network of functionality that helps all constituents of the business achieve their objectives”, which will in turn allow software functionality in the enterprise to flow dynamically and fluently, better serving the different lines of business all across the enterprise. The old layered and hierarchical approaches will not be able to allow for digital transformation to occur as swiftly as it should in order to combat digital disruption, especially if you find yourself in the “eye of the digital storm”, as far as your industry goes.


Bloomberg, J. (2016, June 16). Change As Core Competency: Transforming The Role Of The Enterprise Architect. Retrieved from

Hawes, L. (2012, March 15). Enterprise Software Architecture: A Network of Services, Not a Layered Stack. Retrieved from

Olanrewaju, T., & Willmott, P. (n.d.). Finding your digital sweet spot. Retrieved from

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

E-Business Suite Support Analyzer Bundle Menu Tool and Automatically Updating Analyzers

If you support Oracle EBS R12 then you are familiar with the Oracle Analyzers. They are essentially reports that were designed by Oracle Support to assist with diagnosing issues by providing detailed analysis and even some potential solutions, like applying a relevant generic data fix or suggesting a patch. These analyzers can also speed up your response time when creating an SR by providing the outputs for the relevant analyzers in a product family when you initiate the SR.

The issue with the Analyzers is that there are a lot of them, and maintaining them can become difficult. This is because Analyzers are basically scripts that can be ran manually by your DBA or can be setup to run as a concurrent program (not all Analyzers allow for this). What this means is that it's time consuming to install analyzers and configure them to be ran as concurrent programs and then keeping them up to date, as Oracle releases new versions of the packages behind said Analyzers rather often.

Here is where the Bundle Analyzer tool comes into play. It makes it easy to install all the available Analyzers from a menu that can be easily navigated and utilized by a System Administrator or DBA. You can also quickly load and register analyzers as concurrent programs and also have the ability to uninstall them. Basically, the tool provides a simple interface that makes it really easy to perform these tasks.

You also don't need to worry about data integrity, per Oracle, "Application data is not altered in any way when the Analyzer Bundle Menu is installed or when any Support Analyzer is run."

What this allows you to do, as a support team, is quickly spinning up the analyzers you want to use and update them on a regular basis, maybe when you do your releases, or anytime you wish and as time allows. One of the features of the tool is that you can bulk load all analyzers in a given EBS product family or even all analyzers in all families, as well as individual analyzers, if you don't want to complicate matters by having unnecessary capabilities.

The installation steps are very simple for any DBA or System Administrator, and all the steps are outlined in the below note provided by Oracle:

E-Business Suite Support Analyzer Bundle Menu Tool (Doc ID 1939637.1)

Now, while the Bundle tool greatly simplifies this effort of obtaining analyzers and updating them, there’s still manual work involved, and many of us have asked whether there's some way to automate this further.

In response, Oracle has now released a new feature allowing concurrent programs to be scheduled to address updating analyzers using the bundle tool. This can allow you to automate updating your existing analyzers on a regular basis without human intervention.

All the details in regards to this valuable enhancement to the Analyzer Bundle tool can be seen in the below note provided by Oracle. The note contains all the details around the two concurrent programs involved in the Auto Update feature and how it works.

E-Business Suite Support Analyzer Bundle AutoUpdate Concurrent Program (Doc ID 2377353.1)

This is an extremely powerful tool that can truly enhance your capabilities to support your customers proactively and I urge everyone to explore it.

