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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Keeping Track of Redwood Enabled Pages

As we continue to make progress in our HCM Redwood journey, and we have done exploratory work in a lower environment and are working on a timeline and milestones, we ran into an issue that although it seems simple, it can cause a problem.

Something that was slowing us down was not knowing exactly what pages are Redwood enabled. This is from the perspective of basically us losing track of what profile options have been enabled, as we do our testing and exploration, because with Redwood it isn't an all or nothing setup, you have to choose which profile options to enable for which pages, and although this gives you a granular level of control, it can cause you to lose track.

We received the below code from our Oracle partners that can be used to check the status of enabled Redwood profiles in a given environment, this is a very helpful piece of code that can save you time and energy.

This SQL can be used to check current status in environments for redwood profile 

           po.profile_option_name ,
           user_profile_option_name ,
           level_value ,
           profile_option_value ,
                                                       WHEN '-1'
                                                       THEN 'No'
               ELSE 'Yes'
           END ) Overridden ,
           po.start_date_active ,
           po.end_date_active ,
           potl.source_lang ,
           fusion.fnd_profile_option_values val ,
           fusion.fnd_profile_options_tl potl ,
           fusion.fnd_profile_options_b po
           val.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id
           AND po.profile_option_name = potl.profile_option_name
           AND potl.language = 'US'
           AND level_value='SITE'
           AND ( po.profile_option_name like '%VBCS%' or po.profile_option_name like '%REDWOOD%' )
            AND po.seed_data_source like 'hcm/%'

This is important because there's multiple people working on an environment, and also as you progress with your Redwood changes to higher environments, you can compare what has been enabled as another safety measure. For example, this SQL can be used to compare Production and UA, to ensure that both environments are in sync, and that mistakes weren't made by enabling functionality that was not tested. Also note that the seed_data_source value in the example above is 'hcm', but the same SQL can be used for other subject areas.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Oracle AI Documentation and Information

Everyone knows that AI and ML are the trending topics, and Oracle is certainly investing heavily relative to their own AI strategy.

The below links to information are great resources relative to AI documentation and information that Oracle has made available, and should definitely be explored for anyone interested in seeing what Oracle has to offer in this space!

1.      AI Overview - OCI Generative AI service provides customizable large language models (LLMs) that cover a wide range of use cases for text generation.

2.      Concepts for Generative AI - concepts and terms related to the OCI Generative AI service

3.      PII Data with AI – How to safeguard the corporate jewels and sensitive customer data when using AI

4.      Oracle AI GitHub Repository -   Great examples of LLM’s and AI services with step by step code examples with OCI AI services

5.      Live Labs – 40 Hands on Labs for AI services and related services. This is a great source for any Oracle Technology or product

6.      Oracle AI and Data Science YouTube Channel –

7.      OCI Data Science Landing Pad – starting point for setting up a OCI tenancy using the Data Science Service.  Step by Step for setting up service, creating models, and submitting jobs

8.      Embedded AI and ML capabilities in Oracle Analytics -

9.      Oracle Analytics Cloud and AI for Business Users

10. Intro to Select AI in Autonomous DB

11. Select AI -  Use Select AI to Generate SQL from Natural Language Prompts

12. Machine Learning Blog Page – This Blog Homepage is focused on AutoML generating code for SQL, Python, and R

13. Machine Learning Documentation for SQL, Pyton, R, Spark

14. Machine Learning Technical Replays and Office Hours

15. LiveLabs Hands on training for Machine learning

Oracle Rest Dataservices (ORDS) - An Introduction, Use Cases and Examples

Oracle Rest Dataservices (ORDS) is truly an underrated feature of the Oracle Database, and now with it being an embedded feature in the Cloud Autonomous Databases, it's truly a feature that is a MUST!

Click on the images to zoom in!

So what? How is it useful? Well, here is a use case where Oracle Integration Cloud is interfacing with Visual Builder to push and pull data from the VBCS Business Objects (BO's) using the REST API layer on the BO's. This is a real use case that many Oracle clients have, specially those that implemented OIC and VBCS back in the Gen 1 days, and using the REST support at the BO layer was the best approach to integrate with VBCS.

In the above we can see that the individual calls to update BO attributes can take a long time, because OIC is iterating through a lot of data, making decisions and making updates. There's also plenty of opportunities for disruption during the API chains, and retriggering is far too complex.

Let us know observe the same scenario, but utilizing ORDS instead:

As noted above, this is far simpler, performs better, less failure points, easier to maintain and support, this is the power of ORDS!

It is a perfect match for VBCS because visual builder wants to speak REST, and ORDS provides an excellent opportunity for that to happen while also taking advantage of the power of the stored procedures to manipulate the BO's at the database level without hitting the VBCS middle tier and relying on complex API interactions.

Below are some additional use cases:

To expand further on the above:

VBCS calls a logging/audit stored procedure exposed as REST via ORDS, to log exceptions being raised in the action chains in VBCS (blocks of code), because right now we have to have user sessions and capture the problem real time via dev tools, unless the message is being handled and shown to the user on the screen, and a lot of them are not, so this is a great way to be proactive and see trends of errors and warnings from user activity.

Many are in the process of replacing BIP reports being used as custom API’s and called from VBCS (which is a common pattern that many have used), by instead utilizing ERP/HCM API’s where feasible, but there's always cases where we will still need to use BIP in this manner, because API support doesn't have the columns or filters required, or the API may just not exist, as an example.

My recommendation here is to instead schedule the BIP extracts and load the data to the VBCS ATP (if you have your own tenant database for VBCS, which you should), then create stored procedures to retrieve it from VBCS via REST, and that way you do not hammer ERP/HCM via the BIP layer, and just hit it once when the scheduled job runs instead. If you don't use VBCS but extract data out of ERP/HCM into your own downstream database, you can do the same rather than allowing direct API traffic into ERP/HCM, and this isn't limited to BIP extracts. Meaning, you can extract data from Fusion using BICC, and other means better than BIP, into a warehouse or data lake and then use ORDS to create an API layer for systems, if the frequency of data needs align.

Lastly, the below talks about the simplicity of deploying ORDS assets, which is very important due to stringent requirements from TO Security around code quality scanning and vulnerabilities with tools like SonarQube. Since ORDS and APEX when exported are just SQL and PLSQL files, there's not much to be concerned about, unlike with high code frameworks with extensive projects with hundreds of files in the build artifacts).

ORDS is an excellent tool on it's own right, and when paired with APEX it can do wonders, but that's a topic for another day!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Oracle LiveLabs - Hands On Education

Hello everyone!

I wanted to bring to your awareness this capability offered by Oracle LiveLabs Home (

Oracle LiveLabs gives you access to Oracle's tools and technologies to run a wide variety of labs and workshops using an Oracle tenancy. There’s extremely good content for Developers, DevOps, Data Engineers, Architects and Data Scientists (including content around data lakes, data warehouses, analytics, ML, AI, etc.), particularly in, but not limited to, the OCI space.

Checkout the full blog on LinkedIn at

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Oracle OCI Gen AI Services and Enhancing Developer Productivity

Let’s talk about Oracle’s OCI Gen AI Service, Generative AI Service | Oracle [], in the context of the developer productivity opportunities that exist because of it which can transform development shops to be more efficient all-around!

I am currently exploring the OCI service for areas such as the below, and will write a follow-up entry relative to my findings:

  • Code generation and auto-completion: With generative AI, the potential to write code using AI to greatly speed up building extensions and integrations will be a game changer, much like how data scientists can now write R & Python code exponentially faster using ChatGPT like services, so can writing extensions and integrations become far less manual for you.
    • More time could be spent on design, unit testing and other aspects versus manual development.
  • Code refactoring & bug fixing: Asking the AI to code review, improve, make suggestions around implementation for custom code is something already available for high code programming languages like C#, Python, PLSQL and Java in tools like ChatGPT, and this can increase quality and reduce bugs.
    • You can embed AI reviews to your peer review process, as well as during the build process to optimize performance and reduce logic errors.
    • To help with KT’s when flexing with staff or when a developer is touching a code base they did not previously own, the developer can ask the AI service to explain logic, speeding up the learning process exponentially.
  • Automated Test Generation: having the ability for the AI to generate test scenarios and test cases, in supported frameworks, based on the implementation and logic would save time and reduce defects.
    • We can ask the AI to interpret code and suggest unit test scenarios and even build them (depending on the framework).
  • Code comparisons: rather than using tools like Beyond Compare, to manually inspect differences in code bases, you can ask the AI to inspect it for you and produce a comparison report with intelligence built in (meaning, really explain what is different, not just highlight text differences).
  • Code notation & summarization: imagine uploading code to the AI service and asking for a detailed implementation report with steps and explanations, and even a technical design and graphical support such as sequence diagrams.
    • This would be very helpful for custom code where technical designs were not clearly documented or not documented at all (more prevalent now due to the Agile methodology putting less emphasis on documentation) and useful for onboarding new developers and support staff, for product delivery to hand off artifacts to operations, etc.
    • The time savings from not having to write detailed technical designs would be fantastic, and in general to speed up any developer working on a case by asking the AI to summarize and explain sections of the code.
I can produce many other scenarios, but I think I’ve made my point.

So, why Oracle since there’s similar services in the industry? I believe the Oracle services can have a competitive advantage because Oracle AI data models should yield higher accuracy with frameworks such as Oracle JET, Java, PLSQL, Fast Formulas, etc. since Oracle owns those frameworks and uses the AI service internally as part of their own DevOps processes, and the AI model could learn overtime as your developers utilize the service, and it would learn from usage, on top of Oracle’s tuning of the service over time. Lastly, it would be within your secure VCN and OCI environment, so privacy and security should not be a concern if you already have an OCI tenancy, and this is a major factor for many wishing to adopt Gen AI safely.

I think the usage of this, for the moment, is limited to high code frameworks such as Java, PLSQL, C#, Oracle JET (JavaScript), Python etc. but we would be very interested in extending the usability and benefits to middleware technology such as Oracle Integration, for the same reasons listed in this blog.

To that end, I have raised an Idea in Customer connect for the integration of the OCI Gen AI Service to Oracle Integration Gen 3 (OIC) going back to September of last year, so please support this idea over in Cloud Customer Connect by voting and commenting on it (Idea Number: 713448): Generative AI for OIC — Cloud Customer Connect ( []

Stay tuned for my findings over the next few weeks, as I explore the Gen AI service for these use cases!

Oracle Generative AI Strategy and Options

The software industry continues to innovate and iterate upon AI capabilities, and Oracle is clearly investing heavily in this space as well, with very exciting developments being announced recently.

Below are highly informative strategy updates that you may want to review relative to Oracle’s AI strategy and recent developments.
The below graphic shows Oracle's AI Technical Stack and where recent investments have been made:

Click on the image to maximize it

These AI services are the same used by Oracle internally to develop AI capabilities in the Fusion applications and Fusion analytics, etc. now exposed for customers to utilize as well.

Something that Greg mentions in the first video, is the GenAI Agents beta recently launched, that is a service that allows you to have a conversation with your data within your autonomous database. Also, there's a new feature now called "Autonomous database select AI", also seen above, here's a GREAT blog about it: Introducing Select AI - Natural Language to SQL Generation on Autonomous Database (

I think that both the GenAI Agents and the Select AI feature should be considered as part of any modern Data Strategy, particularly when the data sources are Oracle applications (such as ERP & HCM), once your Autonomous Datawarehouse (ADW) has the Fusion data in it via BICC, you can use these features there without moving the data to a third-party tool to do similar operations (which can increase your cost of ownership and decrease technology technical stack harmony (meaning using too many vendor products unnecessarily)).

Imagine transforming part of your workforce from writing reports to being able to have conversations with the data without A) Having to move it elsewhere B) Having to spend a lot of time writing complex queries and designing intricate reports. Their workload could shift from designing and building reports, to tuning the data model and talking with the data, and this could then be expanded to end users over time, where internal teams would then focus on data model tuning, and everyone else is just talking with the data.

Additionally, this would all be happening within the secure boundaries of your OCI tenancy, reducing concerns around privacy and security that often worries the mind!

Real life examples for those using ERP and HCM that could be made possible in the near future:


SELECT AI how many invoices are past due

SELECT AI how many suppliers do we consistently not pay on time, and what are the reasons

SELECT AI how many expenses will be past due by next week

SELECT AI how many people under my organization may retire over the next 5 years

SELECT AI how many people under my organization will lose vacation by end of year

No more reports, just conversations with the data..!

Monday, March 18, 2024

Oracle Fusion Cloud - BIP Performance Tuning Tips and Documentation

During the early days of Oracle Cloud being adopted relative to SaaS technologies like ERP and HCM, it was quite common to develop extracts and reports using complex custom sql data models that would either be downloaded by users or scheduled to extract data and interface it to external systems. Overtime, Oracle has released guidelines and best practices to follow, and efforts like the SQL guardrails have emerged to prevent poor performing custom SQL from impacting environment performance and stability. To that end, I have been aggregating useful links to documentation around this topic from our interactions with Oracle Support over the past few months, which are consolidated in this post.

Links to Documentation:

For scheduled reports, Oracle recommends the following guidelines:

  • Having a temporary backlog (wait queue) is expected behavior, as long as the backlog get cleared over the next 24 hours.
  • If the customer expect the jobs to get picked up immediately, submit via ‘online’ and wait – as long as they not hit 500 sec limit.
  • If there are any jobs that need to be processed with high priority (over the rest), it's advised to mark reports as ‘critical’ so that they picked up by the first available thread.
  • Oracle advises customers to tune their custom reports so that they complete faster and not hold threads for long time.
  • Oracle advises customers schedule less impactful jobs during off-peak or weekend hours – manage scheduler resource smart.
Additionally, note the following:
  • With Release 13 all configuration values including BI Publisher memory guard settings are preset based on your earlier Pod sizing request and cannot be changed.
  • For memory guard the Oracle SaaS performance team has calculated and set the largest values that still provide a robust and stable reporting environment for all users to meet business requirements.
  • The BI Service must support many concurrent users and these settings act as guard rails so an individual report cannot disrupt your entire service and impact the business.
Ultimately, effective instance management is critical for ensuring that your Cloud HCM system is running smoothly and effectively. Allocating resources based on the usage and demand will require co-ordination with various teams. There is a common misunderstanding that each HCM tool such as HDL, HCM extracts, or manual ESS job submissions operates on its own pool of threads. However, in reality, they all share the same ESS pool of threads. It is, therefore, advisable for customers to properly maintain and optimize their runbook to avoid overburdening the system and creating resource constraints.

Lastly, depending on the size of your pods, you have the option to allocate pods for specific tasks. For example:
  • BulkLoading/ Performance testing/Payroll parallel runs: Pod with highest threads is a good candidate be utilized for bulk data loading, payroll parallel runs, and similar resource-intensive tasks such as performance testing.
The below graphic shows how ESS Threads are consumed, to exemplify the statements made prior:

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Oracle Redwood Migration and Adoption

Oracle continues to migrate, re-design and implement new features utilizing their Redwood design system, and HCM continues to be a big focus relative to these efforts in the coming releases (it already has been, but it's really picking up steam now with the end in sight!). In yesterday's office hours for HCM Redwood adoption, hosted by Oracle, it was clear that Redwood will likely become fully mandatory by 25B, for HCM, and Oracle was clear that if you haven't opted in by then, that they would move you!

In this post we won't go into a lot of details relative to what Redwood is, but in short, it is a modern design approach, bringing an updated UI that leverages AI and ML very well, while delivering a more modern and engaging usability experience for the users. Instead, we will focus on key points relative to adoption that you will want to make note of.

We already covered that full adoption is planned for 25B (around the April 2025 timeframe), however, there's accelerated adoption points that need to be considered, meaning, you don't have until 25B to opt in for the below:

  • Redwood Learning self-service mandatory for learners and managers (along with other select pages being enabled) - 24B
  • Checklists and Onboarding replaced by Journeys (Redwood) - 24D
  • Time and labor will transition to Redwood (24D), meaning features like timecards will have a new look and feel, etc.
The guidance right now is that current live customers start building an adoption roadmap and select lower environments to start enabling Redwood in desired areas to start performing impact analysis, and learning. There's also guidance for new implementations and in-flight implementations, and basically the message is to adopt Redwood to the maximum extent possible, to avoid significant changes soon after your Go-Live.

Oracle also urges clients to inventory their assets, and they list the below, as areas of consideration:
  • Page Composer personalizations
  • Transaction Design Studio personalizations
  • AutoComplete rules: Defaulting and Validations
  • Approvals and Notifications
To the above I would add your fast formulas (which it's not entirely clear whether significant impact is to be expected, and the question remains), and your visual builder extensions, particularly those built using the HCM embedded VB Studio capability. They also mentioned that security is the cause for 50% of reported issues with Redwood, because Redwood may require new security privileges, meaning, test your custom access and roles. Additionally, Oracle mentions that a tool will be released soon that can be used as a starting point to catalog assets and potential impacts, in the way of a report that you can run on your environment, the tool is called the "Redwood Adoption Analysis Tool". Make sure to monitor Cloud Customer connect for when that is announced, as it surely will come in very handy. On the topic of Cloud Customer connect, you can submit questions and request help there in the "Ask a Question" area, make sure to use the Redwood tag, and also, monitor the site for events such as webinars and office hours.

If you are a current live client (HCM), not utilizing Redwood yet to great extent, I recommend you dedicate an environment and go enable as much as you can there, then build a roadmap with milestones, and a test plan, etc. Additionally, change management will be very important, communications, trainings, job aid's, demos, because it is a significant change from a user experience standpoint.

Lastly, below are several useful resources relative to Redwood:
  • MOS article on enabling redwood pages- HCM Redwood Pages with Profile Options – My Oracle Support Doc ID 2922407.1
  • Fusion HCM: Redwood Required Steps for Environment Provisioned on Release 24A - Doc ID 2997123.1
  • Extending Redwood Applications using Visual Builder Studio - Doc ID 2991662.1

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Oracle Integration Cloud Gen 3 Upgrade - Tips and Features

As some of you may be aware, Oracle is migrating their OIC Platform to its new generation, called OIC 3. For those that remember the Gen 1 to Gen 2 migration, this one is more impactful, delivering a significant overhaul from a UI and usability perspective, as well as many new features. This entry will cover some of the features that I am most excited about, as well as important links and other key information relative to the upgrade effort.

An overview of key highlights with opportunities is below, and detailed documentation to all new features and other information is available at the bottom via links. Also, new updates are being rolled out to OIC Gen3 every month.

Gen3 Feature Highlights


Large payload support for integrations

Payload support is growing with Gen3, which allows for more complex use cases and larger volume to be processed, which will be a win already, but also can eventually lead you to rationalizing other tools away, such as MuleSoft and Biztalk, if you use those platforms.

Enhanced Disaster Recovery Capabilities

Gen3 will have an enhanced Oracle Managed DR offering that should simplify and reduce manual labor versus our existing DR strategy in Gen2, more on that below.

Private Endpoint Connectivity

This feature will set the stage to deprecate the connectivity agent used in OIC to connect to the DBCS or ADB (autonomous database) where you may house PLSQL for complex business logic, and instead allows us to connect OIC to the Autonomous Database directly, and if you have your own tenant ADB for VBCS, then both can coexist.

In short, you can rationalize databases by removing the DBCS environments and consolidate VBCS and OIC into a single ATP (autonomous database), and while replacing the connectivity agent (third party) with an adapter (native), reducing technical debt and failure points, should you have this type of configuration in OIC 2 currently.

New recipes and adapters

Enhanced connectivity and opportunities both to accelerate development of new integrations and to reduce technical debt, such as custom integrations between OIC and custom identity or token providers.

Enhanced Event Framework

True pub sub capabilities will now exist in OIC, which will simplify when we use this pattern, as today we have to write parent/child integrations with custom hand offs, versus using native event capabilities internally in OIC. There also appear to be enhanced polling capabilities.

RBAC and Projects

This feature will enhance how you utilize global OIC environments across business units and teams, better allowing HR and AFT to co-exist on the same environment (for example), reducing risk and improving supportability. You can also move away from having independent Dev environments for HR and AFT or CX, and consolidate.

RPA Capability

RPA capabilities will be added to OIC, which will allow for the utilization of this feature to address RPA requirements and aid in removing dependencies with external tools and the utilization of less integrated and supported RPA capabilities, such as Blue Prism, in the context of the broader Oracle footprint.

Increased Observability

Changes to monitoring and API framework that will allow for enhanced monitoring capabilities.

To note:
  • Not all features in Gen2 may yet be available in Gen3, and this upgrade also impacts VBCS and Process Automation, so extensive testing will be required, including performance testing.
  • Oracle has mentioned that middle of next year will be the deadline to migrate, potentially August, and although initial research shows that many clients are still in Gen2 and that upgrade issues can happen, you should plan and execute this sooner than later.
  • Some of our features weren’t ready or fully developed in OIC 3, such as the VBCS auto upgrade, and other features, and also that there’s several break/fixes that have been completed to stabilize OIC 3. As an example, Oracle was tracking an internal bug relative to stage files read/write, and this had a performance difference compared to Gen2, as an example 20-minute runtimes would go to an hour or two, which highlights A) the need to check the Known issues link, but B) to perform extensive regression testing, and also performance testing.
  • I also recommend that you upgrade a single instance as a pilot, perform your test plans there, prior to moving to upgrading several environments at once.
  • The VBCS and PCS assets within your Gen 2 instance will now be part of the auto upgrade process, which was previously not available, and would have caused significant manual work on your end, however, there's some outstanding licensing concerns Oracle is working through in this regard and some updates have been postponed until February, but if you have a simple instance without VBCS or PCS, there's no reason to wait, and you can go to OIC 3 already.
  • Oracle utilized the auto upgrade process to internally upgrade many of their complex OIC assets in Q4 (which include VBCS and PCS), which has increased confidence in the process for those that will undertake the complex upgrade path.
  • We confirmed that the IDCS stripe that the Gen2 instance is related to will not be impacted by the upgrade, and that OIC instance names, URL’s, etc. will also not be impacted.
  • We confirmed the connectivity agent does have changes relative to how it authenticates (no longer supports basic authentication), but that it should be seamless during the upgrade process, but if you use a connectivity agent make sure to test it well.
  • When you login to your Gen 2 environment, there will be a section that tells you if your environment meets the prerequisites to be upgraded, it is important these upgrade pre-checks pass, check the link below for more information. Also, if you don't want your environments to be auto upgraded if the pre-checks are met, it's important that you communicate with Oracle, to avoid surprises, you can raise an SR to postpone migrations.
  • Lastly, our current understanding is that the deadline to migrate to OIC 3 will be August of 2024, currently, but this could move depending on adoption and issues.

Links to Documentation: