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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Oracle Generative AI Strategy and Options

The software industry continues to innovate and iterate upon AI capabilities, and Oracle is clearly investing heavily in this space as well, with very exciting developments being announced recently.

Below are highly informative strategy updates that you may want to review relative to Oracle’s AI strategy and recent developments.
The below graphic shows Oracle's AI Technical Stack and where recent investments have been made:

Click on the image to maximize it

These AI services are the same used by Oracle internally to develop AI capabilities in the Fusion applications and Fusion analytics, etc. now exposed for customers to utilize as well.

Something that Greg mentions in the first video, is the GenAI Agents beta recently launched, that is a service that allows you to have a conversation with your data within your autonomous database. Also, there's a new feature now called "Autonomous database select AI", also seen above, here's a GREAT blog about it: Introducing Select AI - Natural Language to SQL Generation on Autonomous Database (

I think that both the GenAI Agents and the Select AI feature should be considered as part of any modern Data Strategy, particularly when the data sources are Oracle applications (such as ERP & HCM), once your Autonomous Datawarehouse (ADW) has the Fusion data in it via BICC, you can use these features there without moving the data to a third-party tool to do similar operations (which can increase your cost of ownership and decrease technology technical stack harmony (meaning using too many vendor products unnecessarily)).

Imagine transforming part of your workforce from writing reports to being able to have conversations with the data without A) Having to move it elsewhere B) Having to spend a lot of time writing complex queries and designing intricate reports. Their workload could shift from designing and building reports, to tuning the data model and talking with the data, and this could then be expanded to end users over time, where internal teams would then focus on data model tuning, and everyone else is just talking with the data.

Additionally, this would all be happening within the secure boundaries of your OCI tenancy, reducing concerns around privacy and security that often worries the mind!

Real life examples for those using ERP and HCM that could be made possible in the near future:


SELECT AI how many invoices are past due

SELECT AI how many suppliers do we consistently not pay on time, and what are the reasons

SELECT AI how many expenses will be past due by next week

SELECT AI how many people under my organization may retire over the next 5 years

SELECT AI how many people under my organization will lose vacation by end of year

No more reports, just conversations with the data..!

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