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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Keeping Track of Redwood Enabled Pages

As we continue to make progress in our HCM Redwood journey, and we have done exploratory work in a lower environment and are working on a timeline and milestones, we ran into an issue that although it seems simple, it can cause a problem.

Something that was slowing us down was not knowing exactly what pages are Redwood enabled. This is from the perspective of basically us losing track of what profile options have been enabled, as we do our testing and exploration, because with Redwood it isn't an all or nothing setup, you have to choose which profile options to enable for which pages, and although this gives you a granular level of control, it can cause you to lose track.

We received the below code from our Oracle partners that can be used to check the status of enabled Redwood profiles in a given environment, this is a very helpful piece of code that can save you time and energy.

This SQL can be used to check current status in environments for redwood profile 

           po.profile_option_name ,
           user_profile_option_name ,
           level_value ,
           profile_option_value ,
                                                       WHEN '-1'
                                                       THEN 'No'
               ELSE 'Yes'
           END ) Overridden ,
           po.start_date_active ,
           po.end_date_active ,
           potl.source_lang ,
           fusion.fnd_profile_option_values val ,
           fusion.fnd_profile_options_tl potl ,
           fusion.fnd_profile_options_b po
           val.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id
           AND po.profile_option_name = potl.profile_option_name
           AND potl.language = 'US'
           AND level_value='SITE'
           AND ( po.profile_option_name like '%VBCS%' or po.profile_option_name like '%REDWOOD%' )
            AND po.seed_data_source like 'hcm/%'

This is important because there's multiple people working on an environment, and also as you progress with your Redwood changes to higher environments, you can compare what has been enabled as another safety measure. For example, this SQL can be used to compare Production and UA, to ensure that both environments are in sync, and that mistakes weren't made by enabling functionality that was not tested. Also note that the seed_data_source value in the example above is 'hcm', but the same SQL can be used for other subject areas.

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