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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Oracle AI Documentation and Information

Everyone knows that AI and ML are the trending topics, and Oracle is certainly investing heavily relative to their own AI strategy.

The below links to information are great resources relative to AI documentation and information that Oracle has made available, and should definitely be explored for anyone interested in seeing what Oracle has to offer in this space!

1.      AI Overview - OCI Generative AI service provides customizable large language models (LLMs) that cover a wide range of use cases for text generation.

2.      Concepts for Generative AI - concepts and terms related to the OCI Generative AI service

3.      PII Data with AI – How to safeguard the corporate jewels and sensitive customer data when using AI

4.      Oracle AI GitHub Repository -   Great examples of LLM’s and AI services with step by step code examples with OCI AI services

5.      Live Labs – 40 Hands on Labs for AI services and related services. This is a great source for any Oracle Technology or product

6.      Oracle AI and Data Science YouTube Channel –

7.      OCI Data Science Landing Pad – starting point for setting up a OCI tenancy using the Data Science Service.  Step by Step for setting up service, creating models, and submitting jobs

8.      Embedded AI and ML capabilities in Oracle Analytics -

9.      Oracle Analytics Cloud and AI for Business Users

10. Intro to Select AI in Autonomous DB

11. Select AI -  Use Select AI to Generate SQL from Natural Language Prompts

12. Machine Learning Blog Page – This Blog Homepage is focused on AutoML generating code for SQL, Python, and R

13. Machine Learning Documentation for SQL, Pyton, R, Spark

14. Machine Learning Technical Replays and Office Hours

15. LiveLabs Hands on training for Machine learning

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